Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Time Freedom--There's Nothing Like It!

Today is almost over. I am having trouble sleeping so I thought I would write some remembrances of my mother and how my Noevir business helped me be the daughter and emotional support for my parents all the years of my business. You see, today, my mama took off her earth suit and went running and leaping into the arms of her beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Mom had been in a wheel chair for 16 years, so today, December 11, is her red letter day. I noticed the old wheel chair was in the room where she left it!

Before I say any more, I have to report that at 92 my mom did not have a wrinkle on her face when we came to see her one last time shortly after the nurse called to say she was gone. I like those genes! I surely must have them! The nurse could not believe mom's age when she looked it up. And when she looked at our daughter, Suzanne, she put her age at 14! Suzanne will be 28 in a couple weeks.

BTW, I missed being there when she left us, but the nurse told me it was quick, painless and peaceful. How like my mom not to want to cause any stir or trouble! How thankful I am this is how she went.

But back to my Noevir business. Thank you, mom, for encouraging me to join Noevir back in October of 1985. Thank you for your support all these years.

Now I have to say "thank you Noevir" for providing a business opportunity for me that gave me a lifestyle where I had ample time to spend with my daddy and mother all those years during their declining health. Had I been employed in a regular 40-hour a week job, I'm not sure how they would have fared. I am the only child, so all the responsibility has been mine. I was born when they were in the mid thirties, so they were "older parents." They needed me for so much for so many years--emotionally, and physically to do what they could not do.

With Noevir, my direct sales business, I was able to lead an amazing lifestyle that provided plenty of flexibility and time for them. I could drop everything and run when a crisis loomed. I could call and visit during the day, run errands for them, and help them get to the doctor. Weekly for many years, I was my mother's hairdresser. I didn't need to ask a boss for time off to keep my mother's beautiful silver hair perfectly coiffed.

Today when the nursing home chaplain came to meet with us, he looked at our family--my husband, me, our two daughters and son-in-law and commented how beautiful it was to see a whole family who loved grandma so much. He told us that so many of the residents were all by themselves. There was no one to come. I'm wondering whether no one comes because children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews are so busy in pressure cooker jobs that they have little time for their elders. If that is the case, I and my parents were truly blessed.

Some people belittle a direct sales job and think it isn't very cool, but I never will--because it has been the key not only to financial freedom for our family, but time freedom for two very precious people in my life--mom and dad--to have the best that I could give them.

Thank you, Noevir.

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