Friday, February 29, 2008

Is you Company Better Than You are Giving it Credit For?

Recently, I began to think about the company that I represent. I considered why some distributors have such a tough time leading with the opportunity. They can never seem to get past the product to lead with the company and the opportunity. I wondered why? And then it hit me!

Our company is way better than we give it credit for being. Perhaps people have issues inviting others to join them in the company because they have not experienced all the lurking realities for potential downfall--some of which are rather distasteful--that can befall companies in this industry. So they never stop to consider how good we have it.

For example, one of my leaders owns a nail salon and told me that with every order she places to one of the leading companies in her industry, she can plan on 50% of her order being on back order!

Wow! The last time I had a product back order was--oh my--such ancient history that I cannot even remember!

Then I thought about defective packaging--hmmm. The last time I had defective packaging or a defective product in my 22 years with Noevir was probably 10 years ago. Now that I think about it, that was the only time I ever received a defective product! Some how the mascara tube never got filled! One product over 22 years of ordering? Now that's a record!

What about my bonus check? Any problems there? I remember distributors for other companies telling me about times when their company couldn't or didn't pay bonuses! Not Pretty!
My bonus check is safely deposited directly into my bank account on the 10th of every month. It has always been there. As they say, "You can take it to the bank!" Except they take it there for me.

So are you having difficulty leading with the income opportunity? Maybe you should count your blessings and consider all the problems you do not have!

Maybe you are featuring your opportunity on a paper plate when you should be serving it up on a silver platter! Oh yes, and add a sprig of mint for the good times!

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