Monday, February 18, 2008

What Would Happen if You Were 10 Times More Courageous in 2008?

Recently I heard a speaker open his comments with this question. The first thing that came to my mind was that being ten times more courageous meant that I had to put myself in more vulnerable situations where I could fall flat on my face. Even though I can be pretty gutsy--ask my daughters--I wasn't sure that being 10 times more courageous sounded particularly comfortable for me. 

But then I began to consider the word courageous. I learned that it comes from the French meaning "heart." Hm, I guess that means courage has to come from the heart. That's okay I thought--but I still wasn't convinced I could embrace his question with action.

So I continued my word study only to discover the the word "courageous" in the ancient Hebrew means "alert." Now I could do that.

So let's rephrase the question. What if you were 10 times more alert in 2008?

Would you be more alert as a better listener to your family? Your customers? Your prospects?
Would you be more alert to listening to your heart's dreams?
Would you be more alert to opportunities where you could make a difference in your world?
Would you be more alert to how you could support your friends and family?
Would you be more alert__________________________________?

You fill in the blank. Then go forth and be 10 times more alert this year and see what happens.

For me personally, I am discovering a lot more opportunity than I knew existed. I am seeing walls come down and minds opening.

It is a good thing! Try it! Watch courage rise in your heart!

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