Tuesday, January 15, 2008

From $10 show to $100,000 river of revenue

Early in my Noevir experience, I showed the products to a group of probably six women. I was brand new in the business and only had skincare products to show. My inventory consisted of one $10 blemish cream.  

During the presentation, about 10 kids circled the table running and screaming and generally providing distraction to their moms. At the end of the presentation, one woman asked if I had any color products. I said, "No." She said, "That's rather incomplete" and excused herself to go have a brownie in the kitchen. Another woman said, "I'm spending my money on Christmas" and followed her to the kitchen. Soon I was left alone with a single woman who asked if I had anything I could sell that day. I offered her my blemish cream. I think she bought out of pity.

I quickly excused myself, gathered my products and hurried out the door before the tears flew! On the way home, I believe God spoke to my heart and gave me a choice. I could be negative or positive about this experience. I chose positive--mainly because I did not want to have sore eyes from crying. Also, I did not want to have to explain how dreadful the whole experience had been when I got home where my parents were watching my two children.

Thinking on the positive side, caused me to reflect and I surmised that the lady who purchased the blemish cream really did like the products she had tried. I called her back offering to mail her a trial pack. She called me back several days later enthusiastically announcing the results she had received from just a couple day's usage of the product.

Well, as they say, the rest is history! Twenty-two years later, I have no idea how much revenue was initiated by that presentation--I'm guessing well over $100,000. I wish I had kept track over the years--it is possible my profit from that presentation might be $50,000!  I don't know--but I do know that I still have consultants from Alaska to Washington to North Carolina who came from that $10 demo!