Monday, March 30, 2009

Five Principles for Success in Life

Principle #1: There is no such things as failure, there is only feedback. (Andrew Peacock) What is your feedback? How could you change the feedback?

Principle #2: If you continue to do life the same way--will you get different results? What results do you really want?

Principle #3: Everything is a matter of choice. (Dr. Zonnya) What is your choice?

Principle #4: Imperfect action is better than no action! (Giovanna Garcia) What is your imperfect action?

Principle #5: Ask, Seek, Knock! (Jesus) It's always "no" unless you ask! It's always hidden until you seek. The door remains closed unless you knock? What is your question? What are you seeking? Where are you knocking?

If you knew...

If you knew that you were to be promoted to a wonderful new position in your company in the next several months what kind of questions would you ask?

Would you ask--"Why does this always happen to me just when other responsibilities are heavy?" or "What if I get my hopes up about this promotion and then the whole thing goes south?" or "What if I can't maintain this new level?"

Or would you be crying, "Woohoo! How can I best prepare myself for this promotion with the added responsibility? or How can I be ready to give this new opportunity my best shot?" or "What do I need to know that will make me a more effective leader at this level?"

Every opportunity comes with the power to fear failure or exercise faith for success. They both--faith and fear--expect what is unseen to manifest itself. One expects dragons in the inkiness of midnight and the other expects miracles at sunrise!

What questions are you asking? Could it be that the questions you ask today--will either pull you forward into promotion or cause you to sink into failure. Maybe you really do call the shots!

It's worth pondering!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ten Benefits of Empowering Questions

Check out It's a great website. Andrew Peacock has written a list of ten benefits that come from asking empowering questions. I like them. Do you?


Empowering questions will change your mind-set in many areas and open you up to some wonderful possibilities.

"What You Fear--You Empower"

When I wrote the first four posts on Empowering Questions, I used the term "Disempowering" questions to speak about those that don't produce for us. Since hearing the quote in the title of this post given by John Paul Jackson, I am rethinking the word "disempowering." 

It occurs to me that all questions are empowering. Some empower faith; some empower fear. Jackson continues, "Fear and faith are the same thing. It's the belief that something invisible is going to happen. Faith believes something good will happen. Fear believes something bad will happen."

So think carefully before you write your empowering question. It will empower either faith or fear!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Empowering Questions Produce Results in Two Weeks? True or False?

Last evening in our Millionaire Mindset Conference Call, we began to see a pattern for how long it takes for answers to come from empowering questions.

Several weeks ago I asked, “How can I give value to 10x the number of people that I am investing in weekly?” Repeatedly, I asked the question, looking in my mental database for answers. I got a few ideas, but suddenly from outside in about two weeks doors began to open and I found myself in front of groups of people that dramatically increased my visibility.

I asked a friend who had been contemplating a career move about her experience. Six months ago, the new opportunity was presented to her but for months she rejected it. Then about a month ago, she changed her mindset and began asking, “How could I launch this business?” “Where is the template that I could follow?”

About two weeks later, her phone rang with information about a brand new system and now she is moving forward.

In our experience it seems that within two weeks of asking, answers start coming. Are you ready for new open doors to open in about two weeks? Are you ready to design and ask empowering questions? You'll get results in about two weeks! Be certain you are asking empowering questions!

Do you already have an experience that would validate our observation?

Asking Questions--From Abundance or Lack?

In conversation with some consultants, we began discussing empowering questions. One of the women identified two questions that she frequently asks herself.

1. How can I get presentations?
2. How can I keep presentations from canceling?

As we considered these questions, we discovered that they come from a mindset of lack rather than abundance.

We began turning our attention to the topic of abundance. I suggested that everyone look out their window and identify what they see in abundance. In the Northwest, I see evergreen trees everywhere. What if I picture each of these trees representing one woman that could be at my next presentation? Rewrite the question from a position of abundance.

For example, let’s say you reserve every Tuesday evening for a presentation. Obviously, you need people. Look at the abundance of trees and see all the potential people that could sit around your kitchen table next Tuesday evening. You have 6 chairs. You must limit the number of attendees to those six chairs.

Now rewrite your question from the place of abundance bringing it down to the place of capacity—Tuesday night—six chairs filled with potential customers/consultants.

"How can I create so much enthusiasm for my Tuesday evening presentation that every week my 6 chairs are filled to capacity with excited guests who become promising new consultants and raving fans of Noevir?"

Begin to get in the question. Look at it. Analyze it.

Who begins the process for this packed house? You do!

What are you responsible for? Creating enthusiasm. So the question now opens you up to receiving creative ideas for generating enthusiasm that will make your Tuesday evening events irresistible. You may even need to post a security guard at your front door to limit the attendance.

Begin to ask the question over and over again morning, noon, and night.

"How can I create so much enthusiasm for my Tuesday evening presentations that every week my 6 chairs are filled to capacity with excited guests who become promising new consultants and raving fans of Noevir?"

How Does an Empowering Question Feel?

In the last post, I gave examples of an empowering question and a disempowering question from a mind-set position. Now let's look at these two questions from the heart-set and how they make you feel.

Ask yourself this question out loud? "How come my money always runs out by the 22nd of every month?"

Identify where you feel the pain. Is it in your head? No? In your gut? Yes? When I ask that question I can feel a knife in my gut. It just feels like nausea. I can almost feel myself spiraling down into depression. Get in the feeling. Is that how it is for you?

Okay--quick! Ask yourself the empowering question out loud: "How can I finish every month with a $500 surplus in my checking account?"

Now--where do you feel that question? Does your spirit takes a leap of faith into possibility? Do you almost feel like you are riding on the wings of an angel that is carrying you into this beautiful place of abundance? What does that place look like? What does it smell like? Can you taste it? What flavor is it? What kind of music do you hear?

Stay there for a few minutes. Begin contemplating the feeling of that kind of energy. Do you suppose it might affect your friendships, your relationships, your appointments, your shopping habits? Do you suppose you might start hearing solutions--instead of problems?

Now begin to consider how are you going to feel when on the last day of the month you check your bank balance on line and discover there is a $500.00 surplus in your account.

How will you celebrate? Will you dance among the daisies? Will you call a friend? Take a bike-ride? Shout "woo-hoo" at the top of your lungs?

Roll the word "surplus" around on your tongue. How does that affect your emotions? Shout at the top of your lungs--I have a $500 surplus in my checking account. Does it make you tingle?

Okay, now begin imagining how you are going to invest that $500 in your future. Will you pay off credit cards? Will you chink away at college debt? Will you begin saving for a new home? Will you give it to charity? Will you use it to launch a new business?

Get into the emotion of this surplus. Keep repeating over and over. "It's the last day of the month and I have a $500 surplus in my checking account. Woohoo!" Feel it very deeply! Where is that feeling coming from?

Get totally into the emotion.

Now, go back and ask "How come my money always runs out by the 22nd of the month?"

What happened to the great positive emotions? Did you crash? Go back to the positive and ask it again. Get in the feeling of how the two are different.

Use this test to identify if the questions you are asking are empowering or disempowering.

Become aware of your disempowering questions. Remove them promptly! Replace them with empowering questions that make you want to dance among the daisies and shout woo-hoo into the heavens!

What is an Empowering Question?

We all ask ourselves questions. Unfortunately, for many of us we begin from a position of lack instead of abundance; we start from a position of failure rather than a mind-set of success.

You ask, “Why do I run out of money by the 22nd of every month!!!!???”

Guess what! You are simply opening the door to more business cancellations, bad debt and unexpected breakdowns! You give power to negativity, lack, and things that you really don’t want but seem to continue to receive.

Rewrite the question from a position of what you desire.

“How can I finish every month with a $500 surplus in my checking account?”

By asking this question and staying in the question, you will begin to see places where there are leaks in your budget. You discover ways to economize. You find great deals at the grocery store. Your mind is open to other financial opportunities, new business ventures and potential leads. Keep asking the question, every time you shop—every time you pay bills—every time you hear a great tip or learn a new piece of information.

The answer is all in the question. Ask the empowering question and get the empowering answer. Ask with the whine—and you’ll be guaranteed of more opportunity to whine!
What results do you really want in your life?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Will facebook survive?

Now that all the baby boomers have descended on facebook, it seems the site is having hiccups! At least it won't let me post much today. I am trying to post that Seattle is not my dream city and furthermore--the city is not located at the ocean! Seattle may have salt water--but it is not on the ocean even if people from E.Washington say they are going to the coast when they come to Seattle.

So will fb make it now that it is over grown with boomers? Whenever the boomers do something it is like a nice fat rat moving down the snake's body! So will fb survive?