Thursday, January 14, 2010

Social Media Connections

2010 is upon us and social media is hot! After a bit more than a year on Facebook, I am discovering how to get out of my comfort zone and meet fabulous people beyond the scope of my past or current affiliations!

Just today I had a great conversation with a woman I met when I went looking for like minded people through facebook. What a marvelous opportunity to spend time on the phone chatting with her clear across the continent. She is on much the same journey that I have been on.

So here's to exploring and searching for new friends who have similar values, experiences, passions, and dreams! Meet the friends you haven't met yet. What if in 2010 you could add one person from each state who met this criteria? How much richer would your life be? How could you enrich their lives through your business, wisdom, and insight!

Cheers for social media in 2010!