Monday, April 28, 2008

Nooks and Crannies Business

If you are as busy as I am--you're probably not interested in spending more time building a business. But what if you could build it in "lost time" in the nooks and crannies of your life?
Here is one consultant's secret to success.

Yvonne Williams decided to work Noevir in the nooks and crannies of her life. So every time she had a cancellation in her nail salon, she picked up the phone and called a new contact or followed up on a customer or client. She asked a nail client if she would have a few minutes to look at her skin care line. She saw her business increase over 800% that month and she had the fewest cancellations that month that she had had in a year!!! In fact, her bonus check increased so much that month she was able to go out and purchase a brand new computer for her home office! She turned her business around in 29 days just in the nooks and crannies of her life. What are you doing in the nooks and crannies of your life? Could you purchase a new computer with the rewards of the lost minutes in your life this month?

Here is an assessment?

Where in your life do you have time that appears when least expected?

What could you do in these short minutes to move your business forward?

If you could be as successful as Yvonne was in 20 days--how would you spend your bonus check?

In other words--what is your dream you could work toward in the nooks and crannies of your life?