Monday, April 6, 2009

"Taking Time to Dream Everyday Increases Your Creativity"

The title for this blog came from a quote in The Top 10 Distinctions Between the Millionaires and the Middle Class, by Keith Cameron Smith. We have been talking in our calls about Empowering Questions. These questions stretch us and give us an opportunity to dream and therefore engage our creativity.

In an earlier blog, I asked the question, "How could I create such an exciting Noevir event that I would have six prospective clients at my dining room table every Tuesday evening and watch them turn them into raving fans for Noevir before my very eyes?"

I have been asking that question off and on for over a week now, and the wheels of my creativity have been churning out ideas. In fact, I believe I have one.

Will my idea work for you? No--it works for me because of my style and the way I do things. I invite you to ask yourself that same question and see how you might foster some fresh new creative ideas!