We're visiting our daughter in Avon, CO where she is working for the ski season. Yesterday, we visited the Ski Museum in Vail which is certainly worth the time. In the Disabled Skier Hall of Fame, I read a great quote by Diana Golden who is a member. Before I give you her quote, let me tell you that she lost a leg to cancer at age 12. She won gold in the 1988 Olympics Games in Calgary in the Disabled Womens Grand Slalom. She thrilled audiences for a good number of years speeding 65 mph down the slopes. She won 10 world championship golds and 19 national championship golds. Today she is a full-time speaker and writer. Here is her quote which, I believe can apply to our business as well.
"Greatness is not a gift. Excellence is learned. It takes a combintion of determination, training, commitment, sweat, stubborness and pride to get you where you want to go. Success in sports is like everything else worth having in life--you've got to work for it. If you want to be great at soemthing, you have to set a visin for yourself; you have to believe in it; you have to want it and then you have to pursue it with everyone ounce of passion that your heart and soul can muster."
Vision is of the heart and soul. Never forget it! And go like crazy! Best to you!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Lessons from a Remodel, Part I
We tore out the carpet on Leap Year Day! We are now into the 5th month of remodeling and the results are to love!
But it didn't start with the physical labor of tearing out carpeting, removing a wall, or ripping tile from a shower stall.
It began with a dream!
We had a dream of bringing the best out in our home of 20 years. We'd raised two daughters, numerous cats and a bigger-than-life gregarious golden retriever inside these four walls. Evidence of wear and tear was everywhere.
I suggested moving. My husband adamantly responded, "NO!" He did not want to say 'good bye' to our magnificent views of Puget Sound, Mount Baker, and the Everett waterfront. He loved the greenbelt behind our home. He enjoyed his media room that he had labored over. He was firmly entrenched in this house!
The only way to win--REMODEL! Arggggghhhhh!
But we needed to go way beyond simply replacing tired carpet and scratched up molding. We had discovered some serious flaws in our home's design. We identified that the wall between the living room and family kitchen area created a barrier when entertaining. We discovered floors at different levels did not produce an easy flow for guests. We remembered parties where 30 people were clustered shoulder to shoulder in the kitchen and no one would venture into the living room! I remembered standing at the stove top recessed in the back of the kitchen with my back to the view, the company, the family, and the ever hungry, bottomless-pit, "I-think-I'll-help-myself-to-what's-on-the-table" dog.
Our home was ripe for change.
But tearing out walls, removing pantries that created barriers to conversation, and reconciling floor levels is not done quickly or without a lot of dreaming, imagining, thinking, discussing, and visioneering.
Since what we wanted to achieve was a larger space for community--hence a Great Room--we needed a lot of help envisioning how this would look. We invested months in preplanning, rethinking, trying to imagine what we could do and how it would look.
We borrowed remodeling and decorating books from the library. We purchased magazines like Home and Kitchen and Bath Remodeling. We bought books. We scanned hundreds and hundreds of pictures to see what looked like it would work in our home.
But none of these pictures matched our dreams or looked like our home!
How did we bridge the gap from what we had to what we wanted?
Does your new consultant ever feel this way? She has an idea of what she wants to achieve with her business, but the gap between reality and her dream seems like an unconquerable chasm! She can't even imagine where to begin. She can't really picture the results she wants to achieve.
Plus, she has to deal with all the fears of making a mistake, being a failure, looking stupid in front of her friends, wasting time and money, and totally blowing it.
Not only is she second-guessing whether she can be profitable or not--but she doesn't really have a clear picture of what she hopes to achieve with her new business! Somewhere there is a hazy response--"I want to stay home with my children." Or "I want to put away money for retirement." Or "I want to be able to purchase a home for our family." Or "I want to pay off credit cards." But none of it really seems real. How does she do this?
Stay tuned for Part II--Lessons from a Remodel!
But it didn't start with the physical labor of tearing out carpeting, removing a wall, or ripping tile from a shower stall.
It began with a dream!
We had a dream of bringing the best out in our home of 20 years. We'd raised two daughters, numerous cats and a bigger-than-life gregarious golden retriever inside these four walls. Evidence of wear and tear was everywhere.
I suggested moving. My husband adamantly responded, "NO!" He did not want to say 'good bye' to our magnificent views of Puget Sound, Mount Baker, and the Everett waterfront. He loved the greenbelt behind our home. He enjoyed his media room that he had labored over. He was firmly entrenched in this house!
The only way to win--REMODEL! Arggggghhhhh!
But we needed to go way beyond simply replacing tired carpet and scratched up molding. We had discovered some serious flaws in our home's design. We identified that the wall between the living room and family kitchen area created a barrier when entertaining. We discovered floors at different levels did not produce an easy flow for guests. We remembered parties where 30 people were clustered shoulder to shoulder in the kitchen and no one would venture into the living room! I remembered standing at the stove top recessed in the back of the kitchen with my back to the view, the company, the family, and the ever hungry, bottomless-pit, "I-think-I'll-help-myself-to-what's-on-the-table" dog.
Our home was ripe for change.
But tearing out walls, removing pantries that created barriers to conversation, and reconciling floor levels is not done quickly or without a lot of dreaming, imagining, thinking, discussing, and visioneering.
Since what we wanted to achieve was a larger space for community--hence a Great Room--we needed a lot of help envisioning how this would look. We invested months in preplanning, rethinking, trying to imagine what we could do and how it would look.
We borrowed remodeling and decorating books from the library. We purchased magazines like Home and Kitchen and Bath Remodeling. We bought books. We scanned hundreds and hundreds of pictures to see what looked like it would work in our home.
But none of these pictures matched our dreams or looked like our home!
How did we bridge the gap from what we had to what we wanted?
Does your new consultant ever feel this way? She has an idea of what she wants to achieve with her business, but the gap between reality and her dream seems like an unconquerable chasm! She can't even imagine where to begin. She can't really picture the results she wants to achieve.
Plus, she has to deal with all the fears of making a mistake, being a failure, looking stupid in front of her friends, wasting time and money, and totally blowing it.
Not only is she second-guessing whether she can be profitable or not--but she doesn't really have a clear picture of what she hopes to achieve with her new business! Somewhere there is a hazy response--"I want to stay home with my children." Or "I want to put away money for retirement." Or "I want to be able to purchase a home for our family." Or "I want to pay off credit cards." But none of it really seems real. How does she do this?
Stay tuned for Part II--Lessons from a Remodel!
Friendship Building in Direct Sales
How do you work with a consultant? My upline, Cindy Kamrin, taught years ago when we began Noevir, "You have about one week to train a new consultant, then just be their friend."
I still remember that wise counsel. This week as I sat and had tea with a consultant who has been with me for twenty years, I reflected on that wisdom. She doesn't need any advice from me on how to work this business that she is really just launching after being a product user for all these years.
What she really needs is my friendship. It's as simple as that. Be her friend!
When you begin to look at your business partner as a friend--rather than someone you must train to become successful--then I believe your business really kicks into high gear.
Seek friendship and you will build an outstanding business.
Next week my husband and I are joining a new Vietnamese consultant and her husband at a Pho restaurant. We are building friendship--trust--caring--relationship. Out of that relationship will come a burning desire for building a profitable business.
People don't care how much you know--they want to know how much you care!
I still remember that wise counsel. This week as I sat and had tea with a consultant who has been with me for twenty years, I reflected on that wisdom. She doesn't need any advice from me on how to work this business that she is really just launching after being a product user for all these years.
What she really needs is my friendship. It's as simple as that. Be her friend!
When you begin to look at your business partner as a friend--rather than someone you must train to become successful--then I believe your business really kicks into high gear.
Seek friendship and you will build an outstanding business.
Next week my husband and I are joining a new Vietnamese consultant and her husband at a Pho restaurant. We are building friendship--trust--caring--relationship. Out of that relationship will come a burning desire for building a profitable business.
People don't care how much you know--they want to know how much you care!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Objections: Your Key to Success
Have you ever presented your product or service only to be met by absolute disinterest?
Perhaps your prospect was so disengaged that she didn’t even bother to give you an objection to over come. She just wandered away mentally, emotionally, or physically from the sales presentation. At that point, honey, there is nothing to do but pack your bags and move on to greener pastures!
Without objections, it is like trying to find a handle to pick up Jello! There are no handles! Move onto the potato salad!
Reframing how you look at objections will enhance your sales success. Instead of cringing when you are dished out an objection—you should be shouting “Hallelujah!” You now have something to work with! Your prospect wants your product!
An objection tells you a lot of things—first of all, your prospect is interested enough to raise an objection! What she is saying to you is, “I’m almost sold. I just want to see what happens when I give you an objection. How will you handle it? Do you deserve my sale?
If you graciously respond with a well thought out answer that is personalized for her situation, she will respect you all the more. You will have given her the confidence that you know your product and you are a worthy sales representative.
If you become defensive, make up answers, are less than genuine, she will reconsider her interest in the product, but most assuredly she will determine that she would rather give her dollars to someone else.
More importantly, the objection lets you know your prospect needs reassurance that she is making the right decision. When she raises objections, she may be asking for help to justify in her own mind (or to her husband or friends) she made the right decision.
No one wants to be ripped off. An objection is her way of asking for help so that she knows emotionally and mentally that this is best decision for her.
So next time you are faced with an objection! Celebrate! She is on your side! She just needs a little nudge to help her with her buying decision.
Smile! And don't wait too long to reach for you receipt book!
Perhaps your prospect was so disengaged that she didn’t even bother to give you an objection to over come. She just wandered away mentally, emotionally, or physically from the sales presentation. At that point, honey, there is nothing to do but pack your bags and move on to greener pastures!
Without objections, it is like trying to find a handle to pick up Jello! There are no handles! Move onto the potato salad!
Reframing how you look at objections will enhance your sales success. Instead of cringing when you are dished out an objection—you should be shouting “Hallelujah!” You now have something to work with! Your prospect wants your product!
An objection tells you a lot of things—first of all, your prospect is interested enough to raise an objection! What she is saying to you is, “I’m almost sold. I just want to see what happens when I give you an objection. How will you handle it? Do you deserve my sale?
If you graciously respond with a well thought out answer that is personalized for her situation, she will respect you all the more. You will have given her the confidence that you know your product and you are a worthy sales representative.
If you become defensive, make up answers, are less than genuine, she will reconsider her interest in the product, but most assuredly she will determine that she would rather give her dollars to someone else.
More importantly, the objection lets you know your prospect needs reassurance that she is making the right decision. When she raises objections, she may be asking for help to justify in her own mind (or to her husband or friends) she made the right decision.
No one wants to be ripped off. An objection is her way of asking for help so that she knows emotionally and mentally that this is best decision for her.
So next time you are faced with an objection! Celebrate! She is on your side! She just needs a little nudge to help her with her buying decision.
Smile! And don't wait too long to reach for you receipt book!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Real Life Cinderella
Yesterday, I attended a meeting at a local Zonta Club and heard an amazing woman share her story--it was a Cinderella story of a young girl that was told in 4th grade they "girls can't become astronauts." In fact, an astronaut told her that! As she shared with her audience, she passed around a photocopy of the clipping from the local newspaper showing the class huddled around the astronaut listening to his story. In the article that accompanied the picture, she was quoted as saying, "I'll figure out how to sneak in."
Here she stood before us nearly 40 years later--living her dream of flying! She told about her courage and her determination and her simple prayer that God would open a path before her so that she could realize her dream.
Into her life came a WWII pilot that had lost his arm in combat. He took her to dinner and she eagerly waited to hear his story about flying this particular WWII fighter, but instead he asked her to tell him HER dreams. Never before had she verbalized them. This time she did. Five simple dreams--four had to do with flight and certifications and the fifth tagged on the end was, "I want to be married."
The WWII pilot opened the door for her to pursue her dreams. Her paid her expenses for two years while she pursued her training and certification.
The path had opened for her! Now if she could figure out how to repay his kindness.
Is there a dream you hold deeply in your heart--maybe it started in 4th grade? Can you go back there and find the dream, dust it off, and examine it with the wisdom of adult eyes? Then can you go back to the place where you dreamed it and watch it sparkle in the sun with 10 year old eyes?
Can you believe that if you take what you have--God will create a path before you?
Surprise ending--today she is the wife of this WWII fighter pilot and she says he is the most amazing person she has ever met in her life! In addition, her prince painted her nickname on the side of his beloved airplane--"Princess."
For Christmas, he gave her the key to that airplane and simply said, "Now it's yours!"
Still she sought to repay him for her kindness. How could she do that?
Today she is a flight instructor. One of her students is a young man from an African country who came to the US to learn to fly. Shortly after he arrived, his entire family was massacred. Their sawmill, which paid the freight on his dream, was destroyed. Today this young man is her protogee--the recipient of the wisdom of paying it forward.
Keep the dream alive! Someone will keep yours alive so you in turn can keep theirs alive. Directsales is a great place to practice paying the freight on dreams!
Here she stood before us nearly 40 years later--living her dream of flying! She told about her courage and her determination and her simple prayer that God would open a path before her so that she could realize her dream.
Into her life came a WWII pilot that had lost his arm in combat. He took her to dinner and she eagerly waited to hear his story about flying this particular WWII fighter, but instead he asked her to tell him HER dreams. Never before had she verbalized them. This time she did. Five simple dreams--four had to do with flight and certifications and the fifth tagged on the end was, "I want to be married."
The WWII pilot opened the door for her to pursue her dreams. Her paid her expenses for two years while she pursued her training and certification.
The path had opened for her! Now if she could figure out how to repay his kindness.
Is there a dream you hold deeply in your heart--maybe it started in 4th grade? Can you go back there and find the dream, dust it off, and examine it with the wisdom of adult eyes? Then can you go back to the place where you dreamed it and watch it sparkle in the sun with 10 year old eyes?
Can you believe that if you take what you have--God will create a path before you?
Surprise ending--today she is the wife of this WWII fighter pilot and she says he is the most amazing person she has ever met in her life! In addition, her prince painted her nickname on the side of his beloved airplane--"Princess."
For Christmas, he gave her the key to that airplane and simply said, "Now it's yours!"
Still she sought to repay him for her kindness. How could she do that?
Today she is a flight instructor. One of her students is a young man from an African country who came to the US to learn to fly. Shortly after he arrived, his entire family was massacred. Their sawmill, which paid the freight on his dream, was destroyed. Today this young man is her protogee--the recipient of the wisdom of paying it forward.
Keep the dream alive! Someone will keep yours alive so you in turn can keep theirs alive. Directsales is a great place to practice paying the freight on dreams!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Nooks and Crannies Business
If you are as busy as I am--you're probably not interested in spending more time building a business. But what if you could build it in "lost time" in the nooks and crannies of your life?
Here is one consultant's secret to success.
Yvonne Williams decided to work Noevir in the nooks and crannies of her life. So every time she had a cancellation in her nail salon, she picked up the phone and called a new contact or followed up on a customer or client. She asked a nail client if she would have a few minutes to look at her skin care line. She saw her business increase over 800% that month and she had the fewest cancellations that month that she had had in a year!!! In fact, her bonus check increased so much that month she was able to go out and purchase a brand new computer for her home office! She turned her business around in 29 days just in the nooks and crannies of her life. What are you doing in the nooks and crannies of your life? Could you purchase a new computer with the rewards of the lost minutes in your life this month?
Here is an assessment?
Where in your life do you have time that appears when least expected?
What could you do in these short minutes to move your business forward?
If you could be as successful as Yvonne was in 20 days--how would you spend your bonus check?
In other words--what is your dream you could work toward in the nooks and crannies of your life?
Here is one consultant's secret to success.
Yvonne Williams decided to work Noevir in the nooks and crannies of her life. So every time she had a cancellation in her nail salon, she picked up the phone and called a new contact or followed up on a customer or client. She asked a nail client if she would have a few minutes to look at her skin care line. She saw her business increase over 800% that month and she had the fewest cancellations that month that she had had in a year!!! In fact, her bonus check increased so much that month she was able to go out and purchase a brand new computer for her home office! She turned her business around in 29 days just in the nooks and crannies of her life. What are you doing in the nooks and crannies of your life? Could you purchase a new computer with the rewards of the lost minutes in your life this month?
Here is an assessment?
Where in your life do you have time that appears when least expected?
What could you do in these short minutes to move your business forward?
If you could be as successful as Yvonne was in 20 days--how would you spend your bonus check?
In other words--what is your dream you could work toward in the nooks and crannies of your life?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Rosemary Redmond Steps Down from Weekenders
In Direct Sales land, I know of no one who carries herself with the regal demeanor of Rosemary Redmond, President of Weekenders USA. It comes as a surprise that she is stepping down after 23 years at the helm of this awesome company. Does it surprise me that she is doing it in April? No. I have heard her describe her beloved rose garden so I can only imagine she wants to enjoy the full benefit of the blooming season this year.
This lady can best be described as a woman who has led thousands of other women to "bud and flourish." She is skilled at it! What would a garden be without budding and flourishing? What would a woman be without budding and flourishing?
When I recall my brief adventure with Weekenders, I will always remember Rosemary's words, "Take your dreams off your wish-list and put them on your to-do list." Eloquent words they are. Words I kept repeating over the years. Words that I took to heart when we decided to search out a mountain cabin to put on our to-do list. Today, I have only a singe rose bush at our cabin. As I recall, the rose dealer got the start from her neighbor, Rosemary, and fittingly called it Rosemary's Rose. At least, that is what I will call it, Ms. Redmond!
Thank you for inspiring me to capture my dream and do something about it. This weekend we'll be traveling to our lovely hide-away on the Mount Baker Highway in Northwest Washington State. Far away from the bustle of the city, I will wander out in our quiet yard where the only sound is nearby Glacier Creek and the excited twitter of the neighborhood birds, and I will think of you, Rosemary, as I check how my single rose bush is faring.
God speed to you Rosemary--as you follow your heart. You are remembering to take time out to smell the roses!
This lady can best be described as a woman who has led thousands of other women to "bud and flourish." She is skilled at it! What would a garden be without budding and flourishing? What would a woman be without budding and flourishing?
When I recall my brief adventure with Weekenders, I will always remember Rosemary's words, "Take your dreams off your wish-list and put them on your to-do list." Eloquent words they are. Words I kept repeating over the years. Words that I took to heart when we decided to search out a mountain cabin to put on our to-do list. Today, I have only a singe rose bush at our cabin. As I recall, the rose dealer got the start from her neighbor, Rosemary, and fittingly called it Rosemary's Rose. At least, that is what I will call it, Ms. Redmond!
Thank you for inspiring me to capture my dream and do something about it. This weekend we'll be traveling to our lovely hide-away on the Mount Baker Highway in Northwest Washington State. Far away from the bustle of the city, I will wander out in our quiet yard where the only sound is nearby Glacier Creek and the excited twitter of the neighborhood birds, and I will think of you, Rosemary, as I check how my single rose bush is faring.
God speed to you Rosemary--as you follow your heart. You are remembering to take time out to smell the roses!
Can I Afford to Retire"
That is a scarry question we all must face some sooner than later. Here is an inspirational email I found in my box recently from Diane, on the topic of preparing for retirement.
Hello Everyone!
For some of you this is the first time you have heard from me. For others, we are old friends. Either way I would like to share with you something quite astonishing. I like many of you are feeling the crunch of the slowing economy. Fuel prices continue to rise and we all have less money at the end of the month. Profit margins grow smaller and smaller in my automotive supply business. But in the Noevir business my margins are constant. When my CPA completed my tax return this year he commented on my year and my ability to continue to fund my retirement funds in full even in the bad times. When I looked at the figures, it was clear.....with only a few hours of work each week my Noevir business was able to fully fund my SEP and IRA funds for the year. Not a small task... because the figure is 5 digits. That is money I would not have for my retirement without Noevir. (just a small note: I have only been building my business for 2 years, with limited time!)
Have you ever thought about Noevir being your vehicle to attain your goals? Noevir is an amazing company with products that lead the world in technology. THEY WORK!!! And remember we have a 92% customer retention.
You will not be alone in your quest. We support each other in making our dreams come true. Please take a moment and allow yourself to dream some dreams. Maybe it is only to pay for your fuel bill each month. Or possible you would like to travel or buy new furniture, pay for your children's or grandchildren's college, buy a new car or like me want to build a retirement fund as well as building a business that will take me through my retirement years without worry and without giving up my dreams of being able to help others. I and my coaching partner also have a coaching program that is available to help you find out about yourself and how to build your business. The tools are here waiting for you. Will you join us?
Take a deep breath, dream your dreams, and either call myself or the person who introduced you to Noevir.
Hello Everyone!
For some of you this is the first time you have heard from me. For others, we are old friends. Either way I would like to share with you something quite astonishing. I like many of you are feeling the crunch of the slowing economy. Fuel prices continue to rise and we all have less money at the end of the month. Profit margins grow smaller and smaller in my automotive supply business. But in the Noevir business my margins are constant. When my CPA completed my tax return this year he commented on my year and my ability to continue to fund my retirement funds in full even in the bad times. When I looked at the figures, it was clear.....with only a few hours of work each week my Noevir business was able to fully fund my SEP and IRA funds for the year. Not a small task... because the figure is 5 digits. That is money I would not have for my retirement without Noevir. (just a small note: I have only been building my business for 2 years, with limited time!)
Have you ever thought about Noevir being your vehicle to attain your goals? Noevir is an amazing company with products that lead the world in technology. THEY WORK!!! And remember we have a 92% customer retention.
You will not be alone in your quest. We support each other in making our dreams come true. Please take a moment and allow yourself to dream some dreams. Maybe it is only to pay for your fuel bill each month. Or possible you would like to travel or buy new furniture, pay for your children's or grandchildren's college, buy a new car or like me want to build a retirement fund as well as building a business that will take me through my retirement years without worry and without giving up my dreams of being able to help others. I and my coaching partner also have a coaching program that is available to help you find out about yourself and how to build your business. The tools are here waiting for you. Will you join us?
Take a deep breath, dream your dreams, and either call myself or the person who introduced you to Noevir.
Friday, February 29, 2008
What Could $300 Per Month Do For a Family?
Every once in a while I tune in to Dave Ramsey on the radio helping people out of serious financial muck. I mean muck! They will call in and tell him about their $80,000 credit card balance or how they are trying to survive on $950 per month and their rent is $800.
Yesterday was the corker, however! A doctor's wife called in and admitted they were $300,000 in debt. Now fortunately, her husband earns $200,000 per year, but nonetheless, Dave told her that to pay this off they couldn't do anything for the next 2-3 years. "Anything" meant no eating out, no vacations, and basically--no hamburger. "NO hamburger,"you ask? No hamburger. Here was the diet he recommended.
Rice and Beans, and Beans and Rice--for two years!
"Oh yeah, and don't tell anyone you're a doctor's wife," he said.
If you listen to Dave, ask yourself after each call, "What would an extra $300 per month do for this family?"
I have heard that an extra $300 per month would save most families from bankruptcy.
Hmm--! Think what that doctor's wife could do with an extra $300 per month? She might be able to splurge on a pound of hamburger and maybe even some buns!
Now, go pull out your compensation plan and figure out exactly what she would have to do to earn an extra $300 per month! Got that answer?
Now, begin asking friends--"who do you know that could use an extra $300 per month?"
You might be surprised when they answer, "ME!"
Don't look too shocked if it's your doctor's wife who speaks up first!
Yesterday was the corker, however! A doctor's wife called in and admitted they were $300,000 in debt. Now fortunately, her husband earns $200,000 per year, but nonetheless, Dave told her that to pay this off they couldn't do anything for the next 2-3 years. "Anything" meant no eating out, no vacations, and basically--no hamburger. "NO hamburger,"you ask? No hamburger. Here was the diet he recommended.
Rice and Beans, and Beans and Rice--for two years!
"Oh yeah, and don't tell anyone you're a doctor's wife," he said.
If you listen to Dave, ask yourself after each call, "What would an extra $300 per month do for this family?"
I have heard that an extra $300 per month would save most families from bankruptcy.
Hmm--! Think what that doctor's wife could do with an extra $300 per month? She might be able to splurge on a pound of hamburger and maybe even some buns!
Now, go pull out your compensation plan and figure out exactly what she would have to do to earn an extra $300 per month! Got that answer?
Now, begin asking friends--"who do you know that could use an extra $300 per month?"
You might be surprised when they answer, "ME!"
Don't look too shocked if it's your doctor's wife who speaks up first!
Is you Company Better Than You are Giving it Credit For?
Recently, I began to think about the company that I represent. I considered why some distributors have such a tough time leading with the opportunity. They can never seem to get past the product to lead with the company and the opportunity. I wondered why? And then it hit me!
Our company is way better than we give it credit for being. Perhaps people have issues inviting others to join them in the company because they have not experienced all the lurking realities for potential downfall--some of which are rather distasteful--that can befall companies in this industry. So they never stop to consider how good we have it.
For example, one of my leaders owns a nail salon and told me that with every order she places to one of the leading companies in her industry, she can plan on 50% of her order being on back order!
Wow! The last time I had a product back order was--oh my--such ancient history that I cannot even remember!
Then I thought about defective packaging--hmmm. The last time I had defective packaging or a defective product in my 22 years with Noevir was probably 10 years ago. Now that I think about it, that was the only time I ever received a defective product! Some how the mascara tube never got filled! One product over 22 years of ordering? Now that's a record!
What about my bonus check? Any problems there? I remember distributors for other companies telling me about times when their company couldn't or didn't pay bonuses! Not Pretty!
My bonus check is safely deposited directly into my bank account on the 10th of every month. It has always been there. As they say, "You can take it to the bank!" Except they take it there for me.
So are you having difficulty leading with the income opportunity? Maybe you should count your blessings and consider all the problems you do not have!
Maybe you are featuring your opportunity on a paper plate when you should be serving it up on a silver platter! Oh yes, and add a sprig of mint for the good times!
Our company is way better than we give it credit for being. Perhaps people have issues inviting others to join them in the company because they have not experienced all the lurking realities for potential downfall--some of which are rather distasteful--that can befall companies in this industry. So they never stop to consider how good we have it.
For example, one of my leaders owns a nail salon and told me that with every order she places to one of the leading companies in her industry, she can plan on 50% of her order being on back order!
Wow! The last time I had a product back order was--oh my--such ancient history that I cannot even remember!
Then I thought about defective packaging--hmmm. The last time I had defective packaging or a defective product in my 22 years with Noevir was probably 10 years ago. Now that I think about it, that was the only time I ever received a defective product! Some how the mascara tube never got filled! One product over 22 years of ordering? Now that's a record!
What about my bonus check? Any problems there? I remember distributors for other companies telling me about times when their company couldn't or didn't pay bonuses! Not Pretty!
My bonus check is safely deposited directly into my bank account on the 10th of every month. It has always been there. As they say, "You can take it to the bank!" Except they take it there for me.
So are you having difficulty leading with the income opportunity? Maybe you should count your blessings and consider all the problems you do not have!
Maybe you are featuring your opportunity on a paper plate when you should be serving it up on a silver platter! Oh yes, and add a sprig of mint for the good times!
Your #1 Responsibility to your Downline
Years ago, a very skilled trainer looked across the room at the leaders in her direct sales business and posed the question, “What is your #1 Responsibility to your Downline?”
People all over the room raised their hands and offered answers like “to support them—to help them with demonstrations—to show up for the business opportunity meeting—to meet people with them—to teach them how to make phone calls—to be duplicatable.”
One by one the answers came and with each answer, Cindy shook her head “no.”
Finally, she had to tell us!
“Your number one responsibility to your downline is to be profitable.”
“Oh!” we collectively responded.
“Because if you are not making money why should they think they can?”
So are you fulfilling your #1 responsibility? If not, do you know what you have?
Answer: A Hobby!
What is the difference between a hobby and a business?
Answer: A Hobby costs you money; a business makes you money!
If you have a hobby, but you want a business—fire yourself. Schedule an interview with yourself and find out what you are willing to do to turn your hobby into a business!
If your company is a legitimate business, a member in the Direct Sales Association, you CAN make money with it. Prove your company right—and go make some money!
Then announce to the world that you have a business and you are fulfilling your #1 responsibility to your downline, your company and yourself! Oh yes, and pat yourself on the back—for me!
People all over the room raised their hands and offered answers like “to support them—to help them with demonstrations—to show up for the business opportunity meeting—to meet people with them—to teach them how to make phone calls—to be duplicatable.”
One by one the answers came and with each answer, Cindy shook her head “no.”
Finally, she had to tell us!
“Your number one responsibility to your downline is to be profitable.”
“Oh!” we collectively responded.
“Because if you are not making money why should they think they can?”
So are you fulfilling your #1 responsibility? If not, do you know what you have?
Answer: A Hobby!
What is the difference between a hobby and a business?
Answer: A Hobby costs you money; a business makes you money!
If you have a hobby, but you want a business—fire yourself. Schedule an interview with yourself and find out what you are willing to do to turn your hobby into a business!
If your company is a legitimate business, a member in the Direct Sales Association, you CAN make money with it. Prove your company right—and go make some money!
Then announce to the world that you have a business and you are fulfilling your #1 responsibility to your downline, your company and yourself! Oh yes, and pat yourself on the back—for me!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Are You Stuck? Going in Circles?
Have you been going in the same circles year after year but getting nowhere? Before you put in another year of the same old same old, experience…
“How our Coaching Clients Reliably and Consistently are Discovering Themselves and their Potential in a Whole New Light in a world where most people continue to be motivated by their fears, try to fit into a box not designed for them, and struggle with relationships!’
There is a better way to do life—and living from your personal design is the best way!
You will love what you do—because you are winning!
We--Diane Webb and Marlee Huber, Noevir Unit Directors and Experienced Life Coaches have a Life Discovery Opportunity for you that is all about you! Read on...
Evelyn Obermueller, New Mexico (80 years young recently completed our program and this is what she says) “This coaching program has set me free! I understand people better. I learned how to work with other people’s styles. I also have discovered my strengths. I recognize that the gifts in my life are God’s unique gifts to me. I am so free when I work from my strengths. Thank you, Marlee, for encouraging me. Thank you 1000 times!”
God knows stuff…
He knows how you are designed. He is the Creator. Do you know your design? You are designed to be a winner in life—but only when you operate your equipment according to your design!
What if you could learn your design?
What if you could live your design?
What if the fears that possess you, dropped off and you discovered new freedom and new favor? YOU CAN be the WINNER you were DESIGNED to be!
Marcia Hahl. New Mexico. “I was in a really bad place in my life and it gave me a new focus. I was ready to quit my business until I went on the coaching course. It benefited me in relating to people and really communicating with them—not only for Noevir, but with my family. The information was huge! It was encouraging and uplifting to get a new perspective for my business. It was beneficial to meet other women on the phone who are doing the same thing I am doing, but from different walks of life. It was really refreshing."
We come alongside you…
Using a series of assessments and a debriefing process unlike any other, we reveal the true you and the amazing beauty of your design. You begin to see that you are truly “all glorious within.”
You discover that the “king is enthralled by your beauty.”
Louise Key, Washington. “It was wonderful! I learned so much about my strengths and how I work. The coaching classes were really helpful to learn about each other and our selves. The assessments were the best I have ever done—way more accurate than any college career assessments. It pinpointed my strengths in ways that other career assessments just don’t target. It was the most thorough approach for personal discovery that I have ever had. It was the best!”
New friends learn along with you…
Over a couple months, in eight highly-productive, well-organized one-hour group coaching sessions, you will learn about yourself and begin to build new ways of developing and sustaining relationships. Your guides through this process are a team of two highly-qualified professionals that love what they do. One paints the big picture; one individualizes the application. You are not by yourself; you are in a supportive community of other women each in the process of discovering the beauty within her design.
Linda Hixon. California “It went beyond my wildest dreams of what I thought it could accomplish. The group coaching was valuable. The questions other people asked were important and introduced things I had not considered. Hearing from other people was valuable. You could hear the self-confidence in people’s voices change. You can use this coaching in Noevir, but it will help you everywhere in your life!”
What can you expect from this program?
How much does it cost?
If we were to offer this program to the public, it would be $1000 for the two-hour private debriefing and the 8 one-hour phone-coaching calls.
But, we offer this program exclusively to Noevir consultants. If you are in our group, it is $100. That’s right, $100 for a $1000 value. That's $10 per hour for a course that is absolutely life-transforming in its scope! This is an unbelievably low price!
If you are with Noevir, but in another organization within the company, the cost is $300. Still a steal of a deal!
Why so affordable? Because we believe in the women in our group and we believe that this program will transform your life, your families and your communities.
Our dream is to take this program around the world. We are starting where we are—we are both Noevir Unit Directors. Noevir is home base for us.
Here’s what our internationally-acclaimed business coach, Rosemary Davies-Jones of MiBoSo.com wrote as she took us through the vision process, As Marlee and Diane’s “approach optimizes diversity, it is being adopted by business, community and social cultures globally.”
She continued, “This is the absolute leveler, it lets women do what they do well; gives them the freedom to do their best. It really works.”
And about the results that our graduates gain--“They really have passion. They don’t pretend to know it all, they aren’t gurus—they’re just people operating from their strengths—how refreshing!
We have to start somewhere. We are starting with the loyal women that are our prospects, clients, and customers in our Noevir business. We invite you to be among the first to experience this inspiring and exhilarating breakthrough of insights and perceptions.
Curious? Want to discover more?
Email Marlee at marlee.huber@verizon.net.
If you are wondering if you have to commit to working Noevir as a business to be eligible for this program, the answer is “NO.” We invite you to consider Noevir as a business, but in no way will you be coerced into building a Noevir business. We will, however, promise to challenge you to be your personal best in whatever way you choose to live that out. Call or email today. Classes are forming shortly!
If you even think you could benefit by discovering your style and being supported in moving forward in your life, contact Marlee.
As women we put everyone else first and pick up the scraps left over. Isn't it about time that you put a little emphasis on discovering the amazing woman that you are? Isn't it time you took 10 hours for yourself? --Ten hours to discover that you are unique--how you are put together--and how you can relate to others with amazing grace and truth.
Heidi Helm, California. What is coaching? Who needs coaching? Did I need it? Did I even know I needed it?
I didn't think I had any particular need to know more about myself. My initial participation was to help out Diane who needed some "guinea pigs" for the process. Well, of course I said "yes." I took the Assessments, and sent the adjectives to 10 people I knew, both that I knew well and some I didn't know that well. I was surprised. The people I know actually know me pretty well and guess what? They think pretty highly of me!
Do I sound surprised? Well, I was. And what a confidence booster!
Then as the coaching tele-classes began I was hearing that everyone on the calls had fears, issues of insecurity, and also successes, triumphs, and we had a growing need to support each other, to share. I was growing, being accepted and learning so much about what makes different people "tick".
Now I can more easily determine how to relate to someone based on who they are and how I relate to those personalities. I can stop fighting my personality and I can go out with confidence that I am likable and knowledgeable and I can contribute to people's lives.
Did I need coaching? Absolutely.
Join Heidi and so many others like her who have discovered they don't need to quiver with fear anymore. They can be free to express themselves with their unique styles and strengths. They can flourish in areas where they never dreamed they could succeed!
Do not hesitate! Contact Marlee immediately. This is your year of New Beginnings! 2008 is about transformation and fresh starts. We are here to help you make a fresh new start in 2008.
Email Marlee at Marlee.Huber@verizon.net--TODAY!
“How our Coaching Clients Reliably and Consistently are Discovering Themselves and their Potential in a Whole New Light in a world where most people continue to be motivated by their fears, try to fit into a box not designed for them, and struggle with relationships!’
There is a better way to do life—and living from your personal design is the best way!
You will love what you do—because you are winning!
We--Diane Webb and Marlee Huber, Noevir Unit Directors and Experienced Life Coaches have a Life Discovery Opportunity for you that is all about you! Read on...
Evelyn Obermueller, New Mexico (80 years young recently completed our program and this is what she says) “This coaching program has set me free! I understand people better. I learned how to work with other people’s styles. I also have discovered my strengths. I recognize that the gifts in my life are God’s unique gifts to me. I am so free when I work from my strengths. Thank you, Marlee, for encouraging me. Thank you 1000 times!”
God knows stuff…
He knows how you are designed. He is the Creator. Do you know your design? You are designed to be a winner in life—but only when you operate your equipment according to your design!
What if you could learn your design?
What if you could live your design?
What if the fears that possess you, dropped off and you discovered new freedom and new favor? YOU CAN be the WINNER you were DESIGNED to be!
Marcia Hahl. New Mexico. “I was in a really bad place in my life and it gave me a new focus. I was ready to quit my business until I went on the coaching course. It benefited me in relating to people and really communicating with them—not only for Noevir, but with my family. The information was huge! It was encouraging and uplifting to get a new perspective for my business. It was beneficial to meet other women on the phone who are doing the same thing I am doing, but from different walks of life. It was really refreshing."
We come alongside you…
Using a series of assessments and a debriefing process unlike any other, we reveal the true you and the amazing beauty of your design. You begin to see that you are truly “all glorious within.”
You discover that the “king is enthralled by your beauty.”
Louise Key, Washington. “It was wonderful! I learned so much about my strengths and how I work. The coaching classes were really helpful to learn about each other and our selves. The assessments were the best I have ever done—way more accurate than any college career assessments. It pinpointed my strengths in ways that other career assessments just don’t target. It was the most thorough approach for personal discovery that I have ever had. It was the best!”
New friends learn along with you…
Over a couple months, in eight highly-productive, well-organized one-hour group coaching sessions, you will learn about yourself and begin to build new ways of developing and sustaining relationships. Your guides through this process are a team of two highly-qualified professionals that love what they do. One paints the big picture; one individualizes the application. You are not by yourself; you are in a supportive community of other women each in the process of discovering the beauty within her design.
Linda Hixon. California “It went beyond my wildest dreams of what I thought it could accomplish. The group coaching was valuable. The questions other people asked were important and introduced things I had not considered. Hearing from other people was valuable. You could hear the self-confidence in people’s voices change. You can use this coaching in Noevir, but it will help you everywhere in your life!”
What can you expect from this program?
- A simple and highly effective approach
- Optimizes your personal diversity
- Reveals your unique natural talent-values combination
- Provides personal breakthroughs, insights and perceptions
- Enables you to see yourself and your potential in a whole new light
- Gives you access to unprecedented levels of personal and professional performance
- Increases your personal and professional satisfaction and joy.
- You will be inspired and exhilarated by this discovery process.
- Gives you a reliable source of power, strength and motivation
- You will want to promote it to others!
How much does it cost?
If we were to offer this program to the public, it would be $1000 for the two-hour private debriefing and the 8 one-hour phone-coaching calls.
But, we offer this program exclusively to Noevir consultants. If you are in our group, it is $100. That’s right, $100 for a $1000 value. That's $10 per hour for a course that is absolutely life-transforming in its scope! This is an unbelievably low price!
If you are with Noevir, but in another organization within the company, the cost is $300. Still a steal of a deal!
Why so affordable? Because we believe in the women in our group and we believe that this program will transform your life, your families and your communities.
Our dream is to take this program around the world. We are starting where we are—we are both Noevir Unit Directors. Noevir is home base for us.
Here’s what our internationally-acclaimed business coach, Rosemary Davies-Jones of MiBoSo.com wrote as she took us through the vision process, As Marlee and Diane’s “approach optimizes diversity, it is being adopted by business, community and social cultures globally.”
She continued, “This is the absolute leveler, it lets women do what they do well; gives them the freedom to do their best. It really works.”
And about the results that our graduates gain--“They really have passion. They don’t pretend to know it all, they aren’t gurus—they’re just people operating from their strengths—how refreshing!
We have to start somewhere. We are starting with the loyal women that are our prospects, clients, and customers in our Noevir business. We invite you to be among the first to experience this inspiring and exhilarating breakthrough of insights and perceptions.
Curious? Want to discover more?
Email Marlee at marlee.huber@verizon.net.
If you are wondering if you have to commit to working Noevir as a business to be eligible for this program, the answer is “NO.” We invite you to consider Noevir as a business, but in no way will you be coerced into building a Noevir business. We will, however, promise to challenge you to be your personal best in whatever way you choose to live that out. Call or email today. Classes are forming shortly!
If you even think you could benefit by discovering your style and being supported in moving forward in your life, contact Marlee.
As women we put everyone else first and pick up the scraps left over. Isn't it about time that you put a little emphasis on discovering the amazing woman that you are? Isn't it time you took 10 hours for yourself? --Ten hours to discover that you are unique--how you are put together--and how you can relate to others with amazing grace and truth.
Heidi Helm, California. What is coaching? Who needs coaching? Did I need it? Did I even know I needed it?
I didn't think I had any particular need to know more about myself. My initial participation was to help out Diane who needed some "guinea pigs" for the process. Well, of course I said "yes." I took the Assessments, and sent the adjectives to 10 people I knew, both that I knew well and some I didn't know that well. I was surprised. The people I know actually know me pretty well and guess what? They think pretty highly of me!
Do I sound surprised? Well, I was. And what a confidence booster!
Then as the coaching tele-classes began I was hearing that everyone on the calls had fears, issues of insecurity, and also successes, triumphs, and we had a growing need to support each other, to share. I was growing, being accepted and learning so much about what makes different people "tick".
Now I can more easily determine how to relate to someone based on who they are and how I relate to those personalities. I can stop fighting my personality and I can go out with confidence that I am likable and knowledgeable and I can contribute to people's lives.
Did I need coaching? Absolutely.
Join Heidi and so many others like her who have discovered they don't need to quiver with fear anymore. They can be free to express themselves with their unique styles and strengths. They can flourish in areas where they never dreamed they could succeed!
Do not hesitate! Contact Marlee immediately. This is your year of New Beginnings! 2008 is about transformation and fresh starts. We are here to help you make a fresh new start in 2008.
Email Marlee at Marlee.Huber@verizon.net--TODAY!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
"You Will Be My Hero. I Will Be Your Cheerleader"

A little boy skipped down the cobblestones in his village where upon he came upon a man working. He stopped to watch and asked the man, “Mister, what are you doing?”
The workman replied, “Can’t you see, I’m laying bricks.”
The little boy continued down the street whereupon he came upon a second man and asked him the same question, “Mister, what are you doing?”
The artisan looked at the boy and back at this job, “I’m building a wall that will stand straight and tall.”
The little boy continued walking whereupon he came to a third man and asked the same question, “Mister, what are you doing?”
The visionary looked at the boy and then up to the sky and across the horizon to the faraway hills that surrounded the small village and then he replied, “Son, I’m building a great cathedral that will soar into the heavens. When people on those hills and in those valleys look toward our little village they will be reminded there is a God in heaven that sends the rain to water the crops. When their burdens are too great to carry, they will know this is a place of sanctuary where they can lay down the pain in their lives.”
He pointed his finger heavenward and proclaimed, “And when they see this great dome they will draw courage for their day. The gentle man dropped to his knees and looked the little boy straight in the eye. “Sonny, I’m building a magnificent place of worship for you and your children and grandchildren for 1000 years to come. That’s what I’m doing.”
-----Let's bring this tale into our 'ville-----
Instead of distributors scouring the land for someone to recruit, prospects are searching the landscape for a sponsor to guide them along their directsalesville experience.
A young prospect comes upon a distributor and asks her, “Ma’am, what are you doing?”
The distributor extends a tube toward the prospect and extrudes a dollop of skin cream on the prospect's hand, “I sell skincare. It is the best product in the world. We have all the bells and whistles. Nobody else’s product can sing like our product sings. Our product is an opera singer in a hip-hop world. It’s naturally wonderful, technologically superior, and developmentally exotic. You can’t find a better product on the market anywhere. It’ll reduce wrinkles, take away age spots, and generally defy Mother Nature at every turn. Everything else is simply fluff compared to it. I take visa and mastercard and you can have a showing at your home with 10 ladies and earn…”
The prospect shook her head, wiped the cream from her hand and hurried away whereupon she came upon a second distributor hurrying toward her. Warily, the prospect asked the same question, “Ma’am what are you doing?
The intense distributor pulled the prospect into her personal space, laid a hand on her shoulder and lowered her voice, “I’m building a business. Our company has a car program. Just five more recruits and I get the car!” Screwing up here face like the old hag in the fairy tale she rubbed her hands together and leered, “I lo-ve to make money off people that I don’t know. Sign right here, right now! I take visa and mastercard!”
Quickly, the prospect disentangled herself from the business builder and hurried away whereupon she came upon a third distributor. Warily, she asked the same question, “Ma’am, what are you doing?”
The visionary looked gently at the young prospect and thoughtfully replied, “I listen and watch for those whose hearts cry out for understanding. I invite them to walk beside me. I believe in them. I encourage them. I build confidence in them. I challenge them to take their dreams off their wish list and put them on their to-do list. I watch my new friends bud and flourish like a beautiful rose. I smile like a proud mother when they walk across stage and receive recognition for a job well done.
Looking tenderly at the young prospect, her eyes twinkled as she extended her hand, palm up. She raised her eyebrows inquiringly.
Seeing relief on the face of the young prospect, she beckoned. “Come along, my friend. You are one of the great ones! You will be my hero. I will be your cheerleader.”
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
When People Ask You What You Do, What Do You Say?
Have you ever been to a networking event and made the serious error of asking someone in Direct Sales what they do?
Oh my! That could lead to a melt down of your patience as you try to discretely develop a ploy for your grand escape!
Maybe you are guilty of being that super-excited, I-can’t-let-a-live-one-get-away person! The more disinterested they look the more excited you get! You can feel your Golden Retriever--I'm desperate-for-a-walk-syndrome leaping out in you! I’ve been guilty! Have you?
I recently listened to a conference call between a top income earner in our company and our corporate interviewer. I loved her first answers and then added a follow-up technique that I learned from Jillian Middleton, head coach at SavvySponsoring.com. You may want to add a bit more—operative word—“a bit” more to the content. Here’s how it goes—
“So, Diane, tell me, what do you do?”
“I have the best job in the world and I absolutely love what I do.”
Oh my—doesn’t that just make you drool with curiosity.
“Really, tell me about that.”
“I work with a great international company. I work from home and I don’t work very many hours a week, but I make fabulous money.”
How coy! How very effective—I await her next words.
“Wow! That sounds great! What do you do?”
“So you’d be interested in learning more?”
“I know there are lots of other people wanting to connect with you this morning, so let’s exchange numbers and I’ll call you this week. How does that sound?
Which day is better this week—Tuesday or Wednesday?
“Afternoon or evening.”
Evening would be better.
“Seven or eight?”
“When your phone rings on Tuesday at seven, I’ll be on the line. I’ll write our appointment in my book right now. (Offer pen) Would you care to write it on your calendar as well?”
“Oh sure.”
“It was my pleasure to meet you. (Shake hands) I really look forward to learning more about you on the phone Tuesday at 7. By the way, we have more opportunities to do what I do.”
QUESTION—how many appointments can you set during one networking event when you spend less than 2 minutes getting their curiosity aroused and booking a telephone appointment to learn about them?
Oh my! That could lead to a melt down of your patience as you try to discretely develop a ploy for your grand escape!
Maybe you are guilty of being that super-excited, I-can’t-let-a-live-one-get-away person! The more disinterested they look the more excited you get! You can feel your Golden Retriever--I'm desperate-for-a-walk-syndrome leaping out in you! I’ve been guilty! Have you?
I recently listened to a conference call between a top income earner in our company and our corporate interviewer. I loved her first answers and then added a follow-up technique that I learned from Jillian Middleton, head coach at SavvySponsoring.com. You may want to add a bit more—operative word—“a bit” more to the content. Here’s how it goes—
“So, Diane, tell me, what do you do?”
“I have the best job in the world and I absolutely love what I do.”
Oh my—doesn’t that just make you drool with curiosity.
“Really, tell me about that.”
“I work with a great international company. I work from home and I don’t work very many hours a week, but I make fabulous money.”
How coy! How very effective—I await her next words.
“Wow! That sounds great! What do you do?”
“So you’d be interested in learning more?”
“I know there are lots of other people wanting to connect with you this morning, so let’s exchange numbers and I’ll call you this week. How does that sound?
Which day is better this week—Tuesday or Wednesday?
“Afternoon or evening.”
Evening would be better.
“Seven or eight?”
“When your phone rings on Tuesday at seven, I’ll be on the line. I’ll write our appointment in my book right now. (Offer pen) Would you care to write it on your calendar as well?”
“Oh sure.”
“It was my pleasure to meet you. (Shake hands) I really look forward to learning more about you on the phone Tuesday at 7. By the way, we have more opportunities to do what I do.”
QUESTION—how many appointments can you set during one networking event when you spend less than 2 minutes getting their curiosity aroused and booking a telephone appointment to learn about them?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Read the First Post
Before you leave the "ville"--go to the very bottom and click on the link that will take you to older blogs. Go to the very first blog I wrote for this site. Read it! Now, go back and read again the blog below about Eliminating the Possibility of Encountering Negativity.
It just may be your "ah-ha" moment!
It just may be your "ah-ha" moment!
Eliminating the Possibility of Encountering Negativity
If there is one thing we who are in direct sales absolutely despise--it's encountering that great big unavoidable, confidence-shattering, direct-hitting "NO"! I don't know what it is about that little two-letter word we have all heard hundred of times from our toddlers, but when it comes from another adult and is directed at our sweet, loveable, direct sales opportunity, we cringe, we take cover, we run, we quit the business!
It's only a "NO"--it is not a direct hit from an unidentified flying object!
It's only the truth today--it may change tomorrow!
It's only the response from someone who has limited information on what we really do--but we run for cover as if we are about to step in a mine-field of a long-deserted battleground.
So let's examine our chief avoidance weapon of defense--it's call prejudice! Oh, my--that is sinful, politically incorrect, abhorant to 21st century highly-educated individuals.
Well, maybe I spelled it wrong. May I should say it's called pre-judging! Doesn't sound quite so ugly and yet maybe it's worse.
Here is how it looks!
"Hmm. I better not call her. She's married to a doctor. She'd never be interested in this business (Guess what we have physician's wives in our business who are among the top income earners in the company!)
"Cross her off the list. She lives in a multi-million dollar home! (Guess what, we have Unit Directors in our business who live in multi-million dollar homes!)
"Cross her off the list. She lives in a high-crime neighborhood! (Did you ever consider she might like to get out of that high-crime neighborhood?)
"Well, I know she wouldn't be interested in the business. She must be 80! (Guess what, we have a Unit Director in our business who just celebrated her 80th birthday and is younger than some 50 year olds!)
Don't waste your time on her. She's only 18! (I remember hearing about the 18 year old who had just left her foster home and her direct sales business got her through those first few years alone--and gave her a direct sales family!)
"Hmm, I should not show her the top of the line product. It would probably strain her budget! (You might be surprised to discover that some millionaires do not reflect their net worth based on their home, car, or clothing!)
"I'll just tell her about the product. She would never be interested in the business. She's retired! (Guess what, we have retired people in our business who for the first time in their lives are getting recognition for a job well done!)
I won't invite her to hear about the business opportunity. Her husband makes too much money--she's too busy--she has tiny children--she has aged parents--she never wears make-up (skin care company)--she never cooks (kitchen ware company)--she never dresses up (clothing company)--she is too shy--she told me "no" a long time ago--she said she would never do a business like this--she intimidates me--she doesn't speak very good English--WHOA!!!!
If you continue to do what you've always done and make decisions about who would be a candidate for your business or your product, you could easily cross off every man, woman, and child on the planet--simply to avoid ever hearing the word "NO"!
Would that make you a success?
It's only a "NO"--it is not a direct hit from an unidentified flying object!
It's only the truth today--it may change tomorrow!
It's only the response from someone who has limited information on what we really do--but we run for cover as if we are about to step in a mine-field of a long-deserted battleground.
So let's examine our chief avoidance weapon of defense--it's call prejudice! Oh, my--that is sinful, politically incorrect, abhorant to 21st century highly-educated individuals.
Well, maybe I spelled it wrong. May I should say it's called pre-judging! Doesn't sound quite so ugly and yet maybe it's worse.
Here is how it looks!
"Hmm. I better not call her. She's married to a doctor. She'd never be interested in this business (Guess what we have physician's wives in our business who are among the top income earners in the company!)
"Cross her off the list. She lives in a multi-million dollar home! (Guess what, we have Unit Directors in our business who live in multi-million dollar homes!)
"Cross her off the list. She lives in a high-crime neighborhood! (Did you ever consider she might like to get out of that high-crime neighborhood?)
"Well, I know she wouldn't be interested in the business. She must be 80! (Guess what, we have a Unit Director in our business who just celebrated her 80th birthday and is younger than some 50 year olds!)
Don't waste your time on her. She's only 18! (I remember hearing about the 18 year old who had just left her foster home and her direct sales business got her through those first few years alone--and gave her a direct sales family!)
"Hmm, I should not show her the top of the line product. It would probably strain her budget! (You might be surprised to discover that some millionaires do not reflect their net worth based on their home, car, or clothing!)
"I'll just tell her about the product. She would never be interested in the business. She's retired! (Guess what, we have retired people in our business who for the first time in their lives are getting recognition for a job well done!)
I won't invite her to hear about the business opportunity. Her husband makes too much money--she's too busy--she has tiny children--she has aged parents--she never wears make-up (skin care company)--she never cooks (kitchen ware company)--she never dresses up (clothing company)--she is too shy--she told me "no" a long time ago--she said she would never do a business like this--she intimidates me--she doesn't speak very good English--WHOA!!!!
If you continue to do what you've always done and make decisions about who would be a candidate for your business or your product, you could easily cross off every man, woman, and child on the planet--simply to avoid ever hearing the word "NO"!
Would that make you a success?
Monday, February 18, 2008
What Would Happen if You Were 10 Times More Courageous in 2008?
Recently I heard a speaker open his comments with this question. The first thing that came to my mind was that being ten times more courageous meant that I had to put myself in more vulnerable situations where I could fall flat on my face. Even though I can be pretty gutsy--ask my daughters--I wasn't sure that being 10 times more courageous sounded particularly comfortable for me.
But then I began to consider the word courageous. I learned that it comes from the French meaning "heart." Hm, I guess that means courage has to come from the heart. That's okay I thought--but I still wasn't convinced I could embrace his question with action.
So I continued my word study only to discover the the word "courageous" in the ancient Hebrew means "alert." Now I could do that.
So let's rephrase the question. What if you were 10 times more alert in 2008?
Would you be more alert as a better listener to your family? Your customers? Your prospects?
Would you be more alert to listening to your heart's dreams?
Would you be more alert to opportunities where you could make a difference in your world?
Would you be more alert to how you could support your friends and family?
Would you be more alert__________________________________?
You fill in the blank. Then go forth and be 10 times more alert this year and see what happens.
For me personally, I am discovering a lot more opportunity than I knew existed. I am seeing walls come down and minds opening.
It is a good thing! Try it! Watch courage rise in your heart!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Money: The Lowest Form of Prosperity
When I was growing up as a preacher's kid, we did not have much money. However, my parents never indulged themselves in "pity-us-we're-so-poor talk." Some months my dad probably didn't have more than a couple dollars in his wallet--if that, but he would go around singing this old song, "I'm richer than a millionaire just because He cares."
I thought it was a pretty corny song and would roll my eyes, but I have since discovered that what my dad was teaching me was a prosperity world view in a world with a poverty mindset.
My dad understood that prosperity comes in a variety of forms.
Prosperity is sensing that you had better slow down to a crawl going around this corner on an icy mountain. Prosperity is getting around the corner and seeing that a semi had jack-knifed across the highway and you didn't hit it! (Spiritual Prosperity)
Prosperity is growing up in a home where my parents loved each other, where we had a large extended family that enjoyed holidays together, and where old friends gathered to share great stories about forty years ago! (Relational Prosperity)
Prosperity is working on repairing the car and you get stuck and can't figure out the problem so you decide to pray about it and you wake up in the morning with the answer! (Intellectual Prosperity)
Prosperity is leaving on a 5000 mile road trip with $5 in your pocket, no credit card and returning home with every need met and no debt! (Material Prosperity)
These are all stories I watched my parents live.
Yes, we never had much money--but we were richer than a millionaire! We enjoyed prosperity in four dimensions.
Your direct sales business provides an amazing vehicle in which to experience prosperity in four dimensions. Remember, it is not about how much money you are going to make. It is about how much value you are going to bring to everyone of your prospects, clients, customers and family members. In this business we are paid commensurate with the number of people we encourage, support, believe in, follow-up with, follow-through with, and are there for.
You, too, can be "Richer than a millionaire!"
I thought it was a pretty corny song and would roll my eyes, but I have since discovered that what my dad was teaching me was a prosperity world view in a world with a poverty mindset.
My dad understood that prosperity comes in a variety of forms.
Prosperity is sensing that you had better slow down to a crawl going around this corner on an icy mountain. Prosperity is getting around the corner and seeing that a semi had jack-knifed across the highway and you didn't hit it! (Spiritual Prosperity)
Prosperity is growing up in a home where my parents loved each other, where we had a large extended family that enjoyed holidays together, and where old friends gathered to share great stories about forty years ago! (Relational Prosperity)
Prosperity is working on repairing the car and you get stuck and can't figure out the problem so you decide to pray about it and you wake up in the morning with the answer! (Intellectual Prosperity)
Prosperity is leaving on a 5000 mile road trip with $5 in your pocket, no credit card and returning home with every need met and no debt! (Material Prosperity)
These are all stories I watched my parents live.
Yes, we never had much money--but we were richer than a millionaire! We enjoyed prosperity in four dimensions.
Your direct sales business provides an amazing vehicle in which to experience prosperity in four dimensions. Remember, it is not about how much money you are going to make. It is about how much value you are going to bring to everyone of your prospects, clients, customers and family members. In this business we are paid commensurate with the number of people we encourage, support, believe in, follow-up with, follow-through with, and are there for.
You, too, can be "Richer than a millionaire!"
Repeat This Statement Before Every Phone Call
Rabbi Lapin writes in his book, Thou Shall Prosper, "...the more opportunities people have to interact and to convey information to one another, the more wealth is created for every participant."
So often in Direct Sales a consultant fears calling a prospect because she does not want to appear pushy or sales-y. Selling often has a bad connotation and she does not want to be the agent that pushes the buyer into buying.
What if every time you call that new prospect you read the Rabbi's statement aloud before you make that phone call? Remember this is an information distribution business. That means every time I pass along some information about my product or this industry I am sharing wealth with my friend. When I chat with her over a cup of Starbucks, I am also listening to her perspective. She will give me information that I may not have considered before that may adjust my approach or help me to be a better listener. She may even refer me to a friend who needs exactly what I have to offer. She may direct me to a magazine article that gives additional information.
If I go into every human interaction from the perspective that I am bringing information that will help another human being create wealth--am I not bringing value every where I go.
I am reminded of a quote I found in my Aunt Charlotte's Bible after her death. It was penned originally on April 5, 1885 by Miss Bella Hults, the mother of my aunt's friend. It says, "Act so that every one whom you meet in your daily life will be happier for having met you."
So often in Direct Sales a consultant fears calling a prospect because she does not want to appear pushy or sales-y. Selling often has a bad connotation and she does not want to be the agent that pushes the buyer into buying.
What if every time you call that new prospect you read the Rabbi's statement aloud before you make that phone call? Remember this is an information distribution business. That means every time I pass along some information about my product or this industry I am sharing wealth with my friend. When I chat with her over a cup of Starbucks, I am also listening to her perspective. She will give me information that I may not have considered before that may adjust my approach or help me to be a better listener. She may even refer me to a friend who needs exactly what I have to offer. She may direct me to a magazine article that gives additional information.
If I go into every human interaction from the perspective that I am bringing information that will help another human being create wealth--am I not bringing value every where I go.
I am reminded of a quote I found in my Aunt Charlotte's Bible after her death. It was penned originally on April 5, 1885 by Miss Bella Hults, the mother of my aunt's friend. It says, "Act so that every one whom you meet in your daily life will be happier for having met you."
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Meetings Mean Money
I absolutely love Rabbi Lapin's book Thou Shall Prosper. On Friday during our conference call I again mentioned that Meetings Mean Money. I am not eloquent but the good Rabbi is so I will quote him.
"...the more opportunities people have to interact and to convey information to one another, the more wealth is created for every participant." (p. 69)
Tom Barrett in his book, Dare to Dream and Work to Win, says that direct sales is not a selling business but a teaching business. It is not a product distribution business but an information distribution business.
Looking at it that way--each time people come together to convey information to one another--each participant is poised to create more wealth.
Bring people together in your direct sales business and "more wealth is created for every participant."
Wealth--"an abundance of valuable possessions or money. The state of being rich; material prosperity."
Wow! Every time you have lunch with a couple consultants and prospects, every hostess party, business opportunity meeting, convention, or spa day is an opportunity for "every participant" to create more wealth!
Sounds to me like it is selfish to stay home by myself when I could be out helping every participant create more wealth! I'll get my coat and join you at Starbucks! The latte is on me.
"...the more opportunities people have to interact and to convey information to one another, the more wealth is created for every participant." (p. 69)
Tom Barrett in his book, Dare to Dream and Work to Win, says that direct sales is not a selling business but a teaching business. It is not a product distribution business but an information distribution business.
Looking at it that way--each time people come together to convey information to one another--each participant is poised to create more wealth.
Bring people together in your direct sales business and "more wealth is created for every participant."
Wealth--"an abundance of valuable possessions or money. The state of being rich; material prosperity."
Wow! Every time you have lunch with a couple consultants and prospects, every hostess party, business opportunity meeting, convention, or spa day is an opportunity for "every participant" to create more wealth!
Sounds to me like it is selfish to stay home by myself when I could be out helping every participant create more wealth! I'll get my coat and join you at Starbucks! The latte is on me.
Friday, February 8, 2008
More from Rabbi Lapin on Prospering
The good Rabbi, in his book, Thou Shall Prosper, talks a bit about how our modern media and education consider business to be immoral.
Interestingly, in the Jewish tradition, redemption and wealth are linked! Hmmm. That would mean that morality and prosperity would be linked.
He also notes that poverty and death are linked! Hmmm.
Which do you prefer?
King Solomon wrote "The crown of the wise is their________________."
What would be a crown for wise people?
Poverty? Death?
I hardly think so.
Try putting "wealth" in that blank.
I think it is time to re-think what I have thought! How about you?
Interestingly, in the Jewish tradition, redemption and wealth are linked! Hmmm. That would mean that morality and prosperity would be linked.
He also notes that poverty and death are linked! Hmmm.
Which do you prefer?
King Solomon wrote "The crown of the wise is their________________."
What would be a crown for wise people?
Poverty? Death?
I hardly think so.
Try putting "wealth" in that blank.
I think it is time to re-think what I have thought! How about you?
"If you have a dollar in your hand and you didn't steal it..."
I am currently reading Thou Shall Prosper; Ten Commandments for Making Money, by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, and Transformations, by Ed Silvoso. One is from the Jewish perspective, one is from the Christian perspective. Both discuss how honorable it is to be in business and be profitable!
One of the biggest problems for people in direct sales is that they feel guilty about being in business and bugging their friends!
I contemplated this concern and then considered a $100,000 river of revenue flowing through my business. This is honorable revenue. Nobody is harassing anybody to spend money they don't have on products they don't need! So people must be ordering these products on their own volition because NOEVIR PRODUCTS SOLVE PROBLEMS!
I can think of multiple stories from people whose lives have been dramatically improved because of this business and these products!
But what about the people who will never hear about Noevir because I don't want to be pushy? What about the people who will continue to struggle with sore, painful skin, sore joints, achy backs, asthma and fibromyalgia, arthritis and eczema, falling out hair, rough skin--because I'm too embarrassed to share? What about the people who will continue to work under hardships or struggle financially because I am afraid to offer the financial opportunities?
It's a good question to ponder. As the Rabbi says, "If you have a dollar in your hand and you didn't steal it, then you must have provided a benefit to someone." When Noevir deposits my bonus check in the bank--and, it is sizable--then I must have benefitted quite a few people! Noevir doesn't pay bonus checks just for good skin!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
From $10 show to $100,000 river of revenue
Early in my Noevir experience, I showed the products to a group of probably six women. I was brand new in the business and only had skincare products to show. My inventory consisted of one $10 blemish cream.
During the presentation, about 10 kids circled the table running and screaming and generally providing distraction to their moms. At the end of the presentation, one woman asked if I had any color products. I said, "No." She said, "That's rather incomplete" and excused herself to go have a brownie in the kitchen. Another woman said, "I'm spending my money on Christmas" and followed her to the kitchen. Soon I was left alone with a single woman who asked if I had anything I could sell that day. I offered her my blemish cream. I think she bought out of pity.
I quickly excused myself, gathered my products and hurried out the door before the tears flew! On the way home, I believe God spoke to my heart and gave me a choice. I could be negative or positive about this experience. I chose positive--mainly because I did not want to have sore eyes from crying. Also, I did not want to have to explain how dreadful the whole experience had been when I got home where my parents were watching my two children.
Thinking on the positive side, caused me to reflect and I surmised that the lady who purchased the blemish cream really did like the products she had tried. I called her back offering to mail her a trial pack. She called me back several days later enthusiastically announcing the results she had received from just a couple day's usage of the product.
Well, as they say, the rest is history! Twenty-two years later, I have no idea how much revenue was initiated by that presentation--I'm guessing well over $100,000. I wish I had kept track over the years--it is possible my profit from that presentation might be $50,000! I don't know--but I do know that I still have consultants from Alaska to Washington to North Carolina who came from that $10 demo!
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